Joshua 22:21-23:16
The nine and a half tribes had accused their brethren of a false motive altogether, but here we see the Lord intervening in His grace — and that through grace working in the hearts of the two and a half tribes. They did not get angry because of the false accusations, but simply and quietly explained things, saying, “The Lord... He knoweth.” They admitted that if it was what those of the nine and a half tribes had thought—a departure from the Lord and His center—they had surely given cause for Their brethren to be concerned about it. The result was, as we have remarked before, Satan was defeated, strife and division were avoided, and all was settled for God’s glory and the blessing of His people.
Dear fellow Christian, let us not resent criticism, but be ready to take the humble place. If we are wrong let us admit it, and if we are not, let us be ready to explain without being angry. This is the only way to settle things according to God and with resultant blessing. Moreover it is a fine thing for even children to learn this, for often the habits of our childhood carry into later life. How many quarrels among the people of God have remained unsettled for years, because one or both parties were unwilling to talk the matter over in the fear of God and seek to understand why the other felt as he did. Remember there was wrong on both sides here in our chapter, but two wrongs never make a right, and yet the grace of God can set anything right. “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6.
Joshua then called for the elders of Israel and told them that he was nearing the end of his earthly journey. He told of how the Lord had been faithful in giving them the land, but reminded them that their possession of it, and blessing in it, depended on their obedience to the law. He therefore exhorted them to be very courageous in keeping the law of Moses as the ground of their blessings. He warned them that if they married among the nations of the land that remained, God would not drive them out as He had promised, but would allow them to remain as thorns in their eyes and scourges in their sides.
Joshua reminded them of how all the good things God had promised had been fulfilled to the letter, but that if they departed from the Lord and worshiped other gods, then the curses which God had pronounced upon them for disobedience would also be fulfilled to the very letter. This is deeply solemn. Many today would like to claim the blessings of heaven without Christ as their Saviour, but let us remember that the fearful judgments of eternal hell are just as real and true for Christ-rejectors, as are the glories of heaven for those who believe.
Dear reader, how is it with you? Are you rejoicing in the blessed knowledge of Christ as your Saviour, or are you still rejecting Him? We most solemnly warn you that to reject Christ will bring upon you an eternity in the lake of fire, but if you will accept Him all the joys of eternal glory are yours. Do not delay, we beseech you, for God does not offer you salvation tomorrow, but TODAY. “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7.
ML 06/28/1953