Joshua 24:1-31.
Joshua then gathered all the people together and reminded them of the faithful goodness of God from the very time He had called Abram out from Ur of the Chaldees. They could never say they had obtained blessing on the ground of their own faithfulness, for they had been most unfaithful. But God had been faithful; He had made known His power on their behalf, and had now given them their land. While they had been in Egypt they had slipped back into idolatry, and now, being surrounded with it in Canaan, they were in danger of doing so again.
Joshua therefore asked them to make their choice that day of whom they would serve, and we are thankful to say they chose to serve the Lord rather than idols.
And today the same word comes afresh to you, dear reader: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Have you decided for Christ? Do you wish to serve Him? Has He truly won your heart? When we think of all He has done for us upon that cross of Calvary, we can surely say that He has done all that love could do to win our hearts and to give us a motive to live for Him.
Joshua reminded them that it was a solemn thing to serve the Lord, for He would have to deal with them if they were disobedient, because He is holy. Of course, with Israel as we have remarked before, their blessings were made conditional, because they were under the first covenant — the covenant of law — and so before long they lost their good land. How good to know that God will bring His people Israel into blessing in a future day, not because of their faithfulness at all, but through the work of Christ! This alone is the ground of all blessing to fallen men.
We might say, however, that it is well to remember that if we are going to serve and follow the Lord, it will not be easy. There are difficulties in the path, as Joshua warned, and only the Lord can sustain and keep us faithful to Him. This He will surely do if we look to Him and count upon Him at all times.
Joshua then wrote the words of the law upon a great stone, telling the people that it would be a stone of witness to them. They were so liable to forget it, just as we find ourselves so prone to forget the precious instruction of the Word of God which we need day by day. We may be well assured that we cannot be wiser than God, and if we ever choose a path contrary to His truth, it will be to our own sorrow and loss; nevertheless while walking in the truth there is peace and joy in the soul. May we cleave to the Lord with true purpose of heart (Acts 11:23).
Alas, the children of Israel looked to Joshua instead of to the Lord. He had been a great leader; they had respect for him and confidence in him, but they lost sight of the Lord. What a common thing this is! How many in Christendom today have their eyes upon man instead of upon the Lord. They go on steadily for a time, but when the man or men on whom they were leaning fails, or is removed, it is soon manifest that their eyes were upon man instead of upon the Lord. They become discouraged and give up the path of devotedness. There is only One who never fails. Let us look to Him.
ML 07/05/1953