Bible Talks

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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Exodus. 25:36-40
THE GOLDEN candlestick was of “beaten work,” and in chapter 27:20 we learn that the light was fed by “pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.” This would seem to bring bore us the sufferings of Christ, “bean” for us on the cross of Calvary—“and with His stripes we are healed.” The almond bowls represent the fruit of resurrection, and the number three on each branch life out of death. We find the almonds again in Aaron’s rod that “budded, brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds” (Num. 17: 8) — type of the Lord Jesus in resurrection.
The priests who moved about in the holy place could see the beauty of all that was there, the golden furniture, the boards covered with gold, and the beautiful curtains—all speaking of Christ in His varied glories. Believers now are made priests unto God through the work of Christ, so that the Spirit of God presents Him in all His loveliness to our souls. The Lord has told us “He will guide you into all truth"... “He shall glorify Me.” He is the altogether lovely One. But it is only in the sanctuary, in the light of the Spirit that shines there, that we can see His beauties displayed, and learn of Him there.
The Lord Jesus is “the light,” and those who believe in Him are “the children of light” (John 1:9; Eph. 5:8). The light of the Spirit of God shone in all its perfection in that blessed One all along His pathway giving light in the darkness of this world through which He passed. When men rejected and sought to put out that light by nailing Him on the cross, “the light of the world” went up on high. The world was left in its darkness and sin, yet not without a light to shine in the midst of the gloom, for God graciously left a people in whom He put His Spirit, that they might reflect Christ and thus shine as lights in this dark scene (Phil. 2:15). How great is our responsibility as Christians, to learn Christ in the holy place and then go forth and reflect Him in the world!
The tongs and snuff-dishes, also of pure gold, were necessary to keep the light shining bright and pure, and speak of the priestly intercession of Christ so needful in our lives every day. Often He has to chasten us in order that there might be more light for Him. The pure oil could not flow as it should if there were some charred wick unremoved, and so the Lord knows just when to remove some hindrance to light and testimony in our lives. We should be exercised out all that He allows, us to pass through, and be careful not to allow anything to hinder the Spirit from revealing Christ to our souls and from giving power to shine for His glory down here.
My sheep hear My voice. John 10:27