Bible Talks

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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Exodus 28:1-5
Within the tabernacle door,
My soul, what dost thou see?
’Tis Jesus, Jesus everywhere
That shows Himself to me.
The “Holy Place” is full of light,
A light that goes out never;
’Tis Jesus who has changed my night,
To day that lasts forever.
The “Holy Place” has holy food,
Each Sabbath newly spread;
’Tis Jesus that I here behold,
The true and living Bread.
We now come to another very precious and instructive portion of the Word of God — the consecration of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood. Up to this point God has been revealing Himself (in type) in Christ to man. Now He provides a way for man to be represented in His presence. The priest was the one anointed through whom the people had to do with God. He represented them and ministered on their behalf.
Such was God’s holy character, and such was our fallen condition, that one could not know what God required of man. Furthermore, we could not stand in God’s presence, so God provided a mediator. Garments speak of walk and character, and so here the garments of the priest are described. They bring before us the lovely and wonderful character of God’s beloved Son in His office as the High Priest of His people.
Aaron, the brother of Moses, was the first high priest of Israel. He was succeeded by his son Eleazar, a Eleazar by his son Phinehas (Judges 20:28). A great many high pries lived and died before Jesus was born (Josephus, the Jewish historian, says 83). They were all so man types of the ONE great High Pries now above the skies — in the heavenly tabernacle itself — ever living “to make intercession for all who come to God by Him.”
When seen alone, Aaron is a type of Christ, the High Priest for all believers now. When associated with his sons, together they form a type of Christ and the Church — a picture of the priestly family. Under the law only a son of the family of Aaron could be a priest; the privilege of a few then are now under grace the privilege of all believers. For He “hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father.” Well might we exclaim, “to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.’ Rev. 1:5.
The high priest was dressed differently from the other priests. His garments were most beautiful. They are called “holy garments, for glory and beauty.” All their glory and beauty have passed away, but that of which they speak remains, and will forever. They were a type of the beauty and glory of Him who was both God and Man — the Lord Jesus Christ, who as Immanuel dwelt among men, and of whom the Apostle John writes, “We beheld His glory — the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14. They are a picture too of that glorious salvation, that beautiful righteousness, with which God clothes all who trust His dear Son.