Exodus 28:11-21
“WITH THE work of an engraver in stone... shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel.” Their names were not simply written upon those stones, but cut into them; they were there to stay. And this vividly pictures to us the eternal security of those whose names are now written in the Lamb’s book of life — they are never to be blotted out. How wonderful to see this precious truth of God set forth in these Old Testament Scriptures.
“And Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord upon his two shoulders for a memorial.” Christ our great High Priest cannot be in God’s presence now without our names being seen upon His shoulders.
The shoulders in Scripture speak of strength (Isa. 9:6), and in this case it was both shoulders. The Lord Jesus, upon whose shoulders will rest the government of the world, the One who upholds all things by the word of His power, is bearing up His people, weak and feeble as they are, on His mighty shoulders of strength. And like the shepherd who found the lost sheep and caned it home on his shoulders rejoicing, so Christ is carrying His own in everlasting strength on to the rest of God that awaits them above.
Then we have the breastplate which Aaron bore upon his heart. It was square and its materials were largely the same as those of the ephod. It carried four rows of precious stones on which were engraved the names of the tribes of Israel, However, the arrangement was altogether different to that of the onyx stones. Here the names corresponded to the order of the tribes about the camp. Each name had its own peculiar precious stone, and each its own place. So it is with believers now, Each one has his own particular place given of God, and each one displays some Christ-like trait. Every one of the twelve stones was different and all were beautiful. So each dear child of God has a special beauty in the Saviour’s eyes because of His comeliness which He has put upon us. (Ezek. 16: 14). The stones were set in gold; and all believers have the same perfect standing made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21).
The breastplate was worn over the heart, the place of the affections. And this tells us that believers are precious to Christ. Their names are engraven on His heart — never to be erased.
As Aaron went into the presence of God, the light of the sanctuary, shing upon the precious stones, would bring out all their varied beauties and glories. Since these speak of the excellencies of Christ, believers are before God in all the acceptance of His dear Son, and arrayed in His beauties. God sees with delight His people upon the heart of their great High Priest, and since He is ever bore God now, so they are continually before Him too — “holy and without blame before Him in love” — “accepted in the Beloved.”