Bill, the Telegraph Boy

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I HAD a bright little boy in my Bible Class, a telegraph messenger, whose happy face and consistent life and testimony as a Christian had done much to interest the young folks in the Gospel. He was saved in the Sunday school, and says it was while one of the teachers was speaking from the lesson for that day which was Exodus, chap. 12, the blood on the doorposts, which made the first-born son safe.
“The blood of Jesus the Lamb of God, in which I trust makes me safe, and the Word of God which says, ‘Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe’ (Prov. 29:25), makes me sure,” was Bill’s bright testimony of the lips to the saving power of Christ.
Always rejoicing, as he delivers his telegrams to rich and poor alike, he is a true messenger of the Gospel as well, and testifies of Christ.
ML 10/10/1937