“By them [springs of water] shall the fowls of the heavens have their habitation, which sing among the branches.”
Psalm 104:12
Two questions were asked in an earlier issue about migrating birds: Where do they get strength for such flights? and how do they find their way?
For any of them, whether a small hummingbird or a large goose, to fly nonstop over a wide ocean certainly takes a great amount of strength and could not be done if the Creator did not give them a terrific hunger long before such a trip takes place. Eating large quantities of extra food provides an unusual layer of fat (sometimes doubling their weight) which becomes the “fuel” needed while traveling. Isn’t this a wonderful provision of the One who always has them in His care?
The question, “How do they find their way?” remains unanswered. All researchers can do is make guesses-one of which is that the birds are guided by the sun. But this raises a new question: How are they able to find their way when the sun is hidden by fog or clouds? Another guess is that when flying at night they are guided by the moon and stars. So how do they navigate when these are not visible?
Still another guess is that their routes are learned from the parents. But then we ask, What about those that fly away and leave their young ones to follow later? Some birds have been carried from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other side and raised there until released at migration time. How do these find an entirely new route to the same destination as their former companions? Similar tests have been made by taking certain eggs to distant countries, hatching and releasing them at the migratory period. These birds also find their way without difficulty.
We must admit that wonderful controls are at work in the brains of these birds, and the most dedicated researcher may never find a true explanation. We know the real answer lies with the Lord God who gives them these abilities and implants needed intelligence in their heads so that they adjust to any unusual circumstance. Certainly these migrations are one of the outstanding wonders of God’s creation.
Another very special wonder is that He invites every boy and girl, every man and woman, to come to heaven when life here on earth is finished. The Lord said when He was here, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:23). This is His promise to everyone who comes to Him as a sinner and accepts Him as his very own Saviour. Have you answered His invitation?