In our leading article of January “A Message from God,” we spoke of the presence of the Holy Ghost on earth today — God, the Holy Ghost. I reprint an article from “A Message from God” for May, 1926, in which, this most solemn act of blasphemy was shown to be followed on the spot by the almost immediate death of the blasphemer. “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.” (Editor.)
The Incident.
Dear Sir, — The following, from the “Daily Express,” May 5th 1925, is so startling and solemn as to be worthy of more than ephemeral record. “Mr. George Whale, the chairman of the Rationalist Press Association, fell dead last night after a ruthless attack on the dogmas of the Christian religion. ‘The light,’ he said, ‘from some providential spirit or Holy Ghost is said to have guided the Church for some nineteen hundred years. It has not come, and when it does come I venture to suggest it will not have the dazzling effect of the light that fell on the Apostle on his way to Damascus — the light which left him dazzled for the rest of his life.’
“Two hundred and seventeen guests present greeted his words with appreciative laughter. In a few moments there were only hushed whispers and awe-stricken faces. It was seen that Mr. Whale had collapsed in his chair, and in the instant silence his strangled breathing was the only sound. Doctors rushed to his side, and he was carried from the room dying. Artificial respiration was at once tried, but death was almost immediate.
“The dinner was to have been followed by dancing, and at the moment that Mr. Whale was being carried from the banqueting hall the orchestra in the next room, unaware of the tragic scene from which a screen divided them, could be heard tuning up their instruments.
“While the guests waited to be reassured, it was announced that the dance would be abandoned. Women in evening frocks, and men who were about to partner them in fox-trots, stood about awkwardly. Although it was not officially announced that Mr. Whale was dead, the news spread from one group to another till the whole gathering slowly dispersed.
“While Mr. Whale’s health was being proposed by another atheist, Major Pulman (a man of eighty years of age) he died blaspheming against the Holy Ghost, and so passed into eternity.”