"Blessed Are the Merciful."

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TWO little girls and a dog. What a picture of happiness and contentment! Many of you little readers have pet dogs of your own and can understand how fond of their dog these little girls are.
They are combing and brushing his hair, and he stands very quiet for he enjoys it. The children are so gentle, they do not hurt him. Dogs and cats like to be rubbed and petted when it is done gently.
But dogs and cats do not always get such good treatment. Some children tease them and hurt them, making them yelp and howl and try to run away.
Those who do this think it is smart and take great delight in it. What do you think? Are you one of these naughty children who think it is all right?
If so let me ask you another question. What does God think? Hear what He says: “BE YE THEREFORE MERCIFUL, AS YOUR FATHER ALSO IS MERCIFUL.” Luke 6:36.
Is it merciful to tease and hurt these innocent creatures? Is that the way your heavenly Father shows mercy to you? You know very well it is not.
In Psalm 146:8 we have, “The Lord loveth the righteous,” and 58:11. “There is a reward for the righteous.” And the Bible is full of precious promises to the righteous. Surely if you love the Lord you want to be righteous, —that is, do what is right. But in Proverbs 12:10 we find, “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast.” That means he is kind to it and takes good care of it.
One fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians is “gentleness.”
If you think carefully about these different Scriptures, you must know that you displease the Lord when you fail to show gentleness, kindness, and mercy to His creatures—whatever they are.
ML 05/12/1912