Bobbie's Birthday Text

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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I NEVER had a more attentive scholar than Bobbie. He was always in his class at the hour; always able to repeat his "Text" correctly; and, if there was a "Bible Searching" given, he was sure to have the answers the following Lord's day. I asked the boys in my class one day to write out their "Birthday Texts" -that is, the text that had been the means of their conversion or second birth-on a slip of paper, or write them in their "Text Books," and bring them the following week. I did this on purpose to make them think; for I knew full well that most of them had no such text to bring. Their ways too plainly told, that they had not been “born of God.” Next Lord’s day came, and I asked the boys to read out their texts, but no one spoke. Some of the bigger, boys held down their heads, and seemed ashamed. At last, Bobbie stood up with his Text Book in his hand, and quietly said―"My Birthday Text is found in 1 Tim. 1:15―'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.' I am a sinner―that is my name―so Jesus came to save me. I believed on Him on December 25th last (Christmas day), which is my second birthday." The simple testimony of the dear boy-the youngest in the class―was greatly blessed by God, and before another Christmas, several others had been born again, and could tell their "Birthday Text." Reader, have you a Birthday Text? Can you point to some word given by God to lead you to His Christ, and to give you the knowledge of salvation? Think one moment. If you cannot, then let Bobbie's "Birthday Text" be yours.