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I REMEMBER as a child saying to myself sometimes: “O, if only the Lord Jesus were still in this world! How simple and natural it would be to go to Him, and follow Him, but now it is so difficult to believe!”
So difficult! And yet He was then as near to me as He was to the little children whom He took in His arms long ago when He was on earth. This reminds me of two little boys to whom the Lord Jesus became a reality.
The setting sun was sending his last beams through the high windows of a hospital ward. All was beautifully bright and clean. A bird was still singing in the old elms in the court, and a sweet smell of spring was in the air.
Only two beds were occupied in the great ward. The sun shone on one of them and showed a little boy’s curly head resting on the pillow. His face was pale and drawn with pain. He must have been run over, for he lay there crushed and wounded, never again to run about. The doctor had said he had only a few more hours to live.
“It hurts me,” he groaned. “O! it hurts me so much, all over.”
From the next bed came a childish voice, also a little feeble.
“Bobby, tell me, did you ever hear of Jesus? If you would ask Him to cure you!”
“Jesus?” said Bobby. “I don’t know Him.”
“Listen, and I will tell you.”
Then slowly and gently Jack told the story of the Lord Jesus; how, full of compassion, He went from place to place doing good, and how He still loves little children and wants to have them near Him in heaven.
Jack had heard the story at Sunday school and had received the message quite simply. Now he loved to tell to others that which brought him such joy and hope.
Bobby listened eagerly. He also longed to know this powerful Saviour who could comfort and cure. But soon he shook his curly head with a discouraged gesture.
“You see, Jack, He would not want me; I am too dirty and too poor; and then how can I find Him? I cannot go and look for Him. I am so sick.”
But Jack was not disconcerted.
“The gentleman at school said that Jesus came always to those who had need of Him; He has not changed now, I am sure. You have great need of Him, Bobby, so certainly He will pass through here this evening. Only try to keep awake; when He comes, you will tell Him what you want.”
“But, Jack, I can’t hold my eyes open; I am so tired.”
Jack was perplexed for an instant, then said:
“You know, Bobby, if you lift your hand He will see you and will ask you what you want.”
Three times Bobby tried to lift his little hand, and three times he let it fall, overcome by weakness.
“I can’t; it is no use,” he said, and a great sob shook him.
“Don’t cry,” said Jack. “Take my pillow. I don’t need it.” And he gently put his friend’s hand on the pillow, supported against the bars of the crib.
Then night came on and the two poor little boys went to sleep. As he fell asleep Bobby whispered softly: “Lord Jesus, come quickly; I need You.”
And the Lord Jesus heard the child’s prayer. He who loves to bless passed through the hospital ward that night. The next morning Bobby was lying quite quiet, his eyes closed, his hand still held up by his friend’s pillow. But for him there was no more suffering. The Good Shepherd had gathered into His bosom the feeble lamb who had need of Him.
For you, too, Jesus passes today. Do you not need Him? He alone can cure you; He alone can take away your sins. Tomorrow may be too late, but you can find Him today. He is near to all who call upon Him.
Think! He died for you; He loves you.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with Me.” Rev. 3:20
ML 07/22/1917