“Boil” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Burning inflammation (Lev. 13:23).
“Botch” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
“Boil” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
The common gathering on the flesh, attended with inflammation, which the Hebrew word shechin implies. The boils were doubtless malignant when sent as a plague in Egypt (Ex. 9:9-11); and they were severe in the case of Job when smitten by Satan (Job 2:7). Hezekiah’s boil was apparently of an aggravated type, though a lump of figs was blessed to his recovery (2 Kings 20:7; Isa. 38:21. See also Lev. 13:18-23).
“Botch” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
An incurable skin disease, otherwise undefined (Deut. 28:27,35).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from an unused root probably meaning to burn; inflammation, i.e. an ulcer; --boil, botch.