This book contains choice excerpts of the ministry of our late brother Walter Potter. A cobbler in Chicago in his early years, Mr. Potter later spent time in company with Mr. Darby in England. Though he wrote very little for print, through the efforts of those who took notes in shorthand, excerpts of his simple, practical ministry were preserved. We heartily recommend this volume to our readers.
On page 126, regarding the hope of the Lord’s coming, Mr. Potter purposely misquotes 2 Timothy 4:8: “All them also that believe in His appearing.” Then he writes: “Is that what it says? No! What does it say then? ‘All them that LOVE His appearing.’ What the truth of the second coming of Christ is to your soul is indicative of the state of your soul. Is it a blessed hope? What about the treasure (2 Cor. 4:3-11), and what about the blessed hope? In each case the affection of the heart is involved!”
On pages 248-249, we find very searching words concerning the “sacredness” of the Lord’s Day. He says: “We have little conception, perhaps, of what that event was for God and His Son when He rose from the dead, the beginning of a new creation. That day is still sacred to the thoughts of God and ought to be so in the thoughts of His people.”