“Spoil” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Plunder seized by violence, as the spoils of an army or of bandits
(1 Sam. 30:19-22); but in Ex. 3:22, the sense is that of recovery without violence of unjustly taken property. David instituted very strict regulations for the division of spoils of war among his soldiers (1 Sam. 30:20-25).
“Booty” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(dealt out). Spoils of war, regulated as (Nunn. 31:26-47; 1 Sam. 30:24-25).
“Bishlam” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Officer of Artaxerxes in Palestine at the time of the return of Zerubbabel. He wrote against the rebuilding of the city, which resulted in the building of the temple being stopped by the king (Ezra 4:7). It will be seen that in the margin instead of Bishlam is read “in peace,” and this is the reading in the LXX, Arabic, and Syriac Versions.
“Booty” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 3947; transitively (in dual) the jaws (as taking food); intransitively, spoil (and captives) (as taken)
KJV Usage:
booty, jaws, prey