Edited By Heyman Wreford
“I’M bound for the glory, Miss; and whenever He calls me, I’m ready to go. I’ve known the Lord for the last twenty years, thank God!” So spoke a dear man yesterday, on my asking him if he knew Christ as his Saviour. He was apparently in the last stage of consumption, poor enough as to this world’s goods, but, as he himself said, “rich in glory.”
He was to go into the Brompton Hospital in a few days; most probably we shall never meet again here; but soon we shall meet to sing the praises of the One who has done so much for us, around His throne―meet to go no more out forever― “bound for the glory!”
Are you? And if not, whither bound Won’t you pause for a moment and ask yourself? “If not, whither bound?” Is it to eternal banishment from God―eternal woe? It must be one or the other: either we must be on the road to heaven, or on the broad way to destruction, ―HELL. Which is it?
Poor sinner! “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, &c.”―He hates the sin with a hatred we cannot enter into, but He loves YOU. He has given the dearest object of His heart for you, because of His love. You have never done anything but pain Him all your life long-never given Him a place in your heart; but He is love still. Are you going to spurn that wondrous precious love? To thrust it from you, and so trample on the blood of Jesus shed for you; will you now take your place beneath its shelter? Oh do not hold out any longer! give all else up! Go and have it out with Jesus. He came to save sinners: won’t you let Him make you glad?
“And the blood of Jesus Christ His (God’s) Son, cleanseth from ALL sin.” 1 John 1:7.
F. M.