Brave Andy

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Andy was a retriever. Perhaps some of our little readers do not know what a retriever is. You have surely heard of a collie dog and a spaniel and a Scotty. And I think by now you have guessed that a retriever is another kind of dog. Yes, Andy was a fine big dog, and his master was very proud of him.
One day his master was amusing himself by throwing a stick into the stream for his dog to bring back. With a glad bark and a leap, the fine dog would swim away and quickly bring the stick back to his master’s feet, and then shake himself while the water flew in all directions. All at once there was another splash, and in an instant Andy was away into the water and swiing as hard as ever he could. A little boy had fallen off the bridge, and all that could be seen was just a little circle of ripples where he had gone down. Andy seemd to know that this was much more important than getting a stick, for he surely swam with all his might, and reached the spot just as a little head bobbed up on the surface of the water. Quick as a flash Andy seized the boy’s jacket in his teeth, and started for the shore. It was a struggle, but he soon reached the land, and dragged and pulled until he had the little fellow safely on the grass. Once again he shook himself and barked and sniffed. In just a moment the little fellow wiggled and scrambled to his feet. He coughed and choked a bit and then turned to run home as fast as he could. I’m afraid he didn’t even turn to thank the dog or the master for saving his life.
If you had seen this exciting adventure, I am sure you would have run right home to tell your friends about brave Andy. But I know of a more wonderful story than this.
I was like the poor lad who fell off the bridge. I was a sinner, and I was doomed to punishment forever, and could do nothing at all to save myself. I needed to be saved. I am sure you know who it was came to save me. It was the Lord Jesus, and He came down from the glory of heaven to die on the cross that He might save me from my sins. Do you remember why He was called Jesus? It says: “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matt. 1:21.
I am so glad that Jesus came to save me, for I am one of the sinners that He loved, and for whom He died. I have knelt down and thanked Him too, and I am going to thank Him forever and ever when I meet Him up in heaven.
Now, dear reader, this is not just a story to be read and forgotten. It means more than you can ever imagine. It may be you are LOST and need to be SAVED. Perhaps you do not feel lost, but God says you are. And you are on your road to a lost eternity. But the Lord Jesus, in love to you and me, has died to save us.
Will you kneel down now, and own your lost condition and thank the Lord Jesus for dying to save you?
ML 03/04/1956