Some of us may find that fishing is fun, but for these seven men it had been a business. They were fishermen by trade. When Peter said, I’m going fishing, they all answered, We are going with you.
Years had passed since these seven disciples of Jesus had dropped their fishing nets into the sea, but they quickly remembered how to do it. They remembered that it was easier to get a good catch of fish at night. However, in the morning their nets were empty.
Why weren’t they able to catch even one fish by morning? Because Jesus was not with them. And if Jesus is not with you, you have an emptiness too. You can try doubly hard, but you can’t fill that empty place with anything you can do. The wonderful truth is that Jesus Himself is the only One who can fill that empty place in your life, and He is ready to be your Saviour right now.
The seven fishermen worked hard all night in the dark and hoped for a good catch, but in all those hours, nothing came into their net ... not even one fish. That meant they had no fish to sell and nothing for breakfast. What a big disappointment!
But Jesus was not far away. When morning came, He stood on the shore and called to them, Children, have you caught any meat [fish]? And they had to answer, No.
Jesus said to them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship and you will catch some. And they did catch fish ... their net was full!
This same Jesus calls to you wherever you are right now. Will you be as quick to obey Him as those disciples were? Jesus has all power, and He is quick to answer. He does not promise you fish with fins and scales, but He promises eternal life. However, those seven fishermen had to obey before they got His answer. And do you know what you have to do? Read John 3:16 and see! Read Acts 16:31 and see! Have you obeyed what Jesus has told you to do? If so, He has filled that empty place in your life ... your net is full!
Peter did not know who was talking to them on the shore. John told him, It is the Lord! When Peter heard that, he put on his coat and jumped into the water. He thought it was the fastest way to get to Jesus. We don’t know if he waded in or swam into shore, but he wanted to be with Him.
The disciples had a huge catch of fish, and they dragged the full net to shore and counted them. There were 153 fish! ... Plenty to sell and plenty to eat!
But what were fish compared with having Jesus with them? He was the risen Saviour who had already died and was buried and rose again the third day. It was those same hands with the nail wounds that already had prepared a fire of hot coals on the shore, with fish already cooking, and He had bread for them too. The fish they had caught in their net were good, but perhaps Jesus was showing them that He could provide for them. His way is perfect. We should never, never doubt Him.
John calls himself “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20). But he doesn’t say, “He loves me best.” Maybe for a while Peter had forgotten that Jesus loved him, but the Saviour’s love was just as real for Peter, and it is real for you too. It was Paul who said, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20), and he also called himself the chief of sinners. Our sin doesn’t turn away Jesus’ love for us.
How much does God love us? He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. That’s a lot of love! If you come to Jesus because you need Him—because there is no one else to save sinners and because you believe His promise—then you’ll find that He loves YOU, just as truly as He loved John.
You may read this story for yourself in John 21.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20