That is THE question, and it awaits your answer. One or other it must be. Both it cannot be. In some form this question comes to everybody.
It came to Gallio, and he said:—
“I will be no judge of such matters.” (Acts 18:15.) He refused to consider the question. He did not wish his worldly ease disturbed. The language of his Zip might be—Indifference; the language of his heart was—"Barabbas.”
It came to Felix, and he said:—
“When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee." (Acts 24:25.) Instead of committing himself to a definite decision he put it off. But "he who hesitates is lost." The language of his lips might be— Procrastination; the language of his heart was—,"Barabbas.”
It came to Festus, and he said:—
“I doubted of such manner of questions,” (Acts 25:20.) He did not know, and thought that nobody could know. Evidently he did not care to know. Though the language of his ills was Skepticism, the language of his heart was—"Barabbas.”
It came to Agrippa, and he said,
“Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."(Acts 26:28.) Conscience-smitten through Paul's mighty appeal, he threw off the impression with a jest. Alas! though the language of his lips was" Almost persuaded," the language of his heart was—"Barabbas.”
Now, reader, it is your turn. What do you say? Out with it like a man. Let your language be plain. Yes or No? BARABBAS or JESUS? Join in saying:—
“—my immortal choice is made—