
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:


Concise Bible Dictionary:

A title which the Lord applies to Himself (Matt. 9:15; Matt. 25:1-10; compare John 3:29). It anticipates the joy of Christ, the marriage day when He will take to Himself all that for which He suffered so much.

From Manners and Customs of the Bible:

John 3:29. The friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice.
“The friend of the bridegroom” was the person selected by the bridegroom to conduct the marriage negotiations on his part. It was he who carried messages between the bridegroom and the bride during the time of the betrothal. See note on Matthew 1:18 (#629). When, on the occasion of the marriage, they were brought to see each other in a private room or under a canopy provided for the purpose, the “friend of the bridegroom” stood without, eager to catch the first words of delight which came from the bridegroom’s lips, expressive of the satisfaction he experienced on conversing with his betrothed.
This position John the Baptist claims for himself figuratively. He is not the Christ, but bears a relation to him similar to that borne by the paranymph to the bridegroom. He makes the arrangements for bringing Christ, the bridegroom, to the Church, his bride. He waits with reverence and respect to hear words of joy coming from the lips of Christ because he has found a waiting and a willing Church. As the services of the paranymph only occupied a short time, so the Baptist’s mission would soon be over: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).

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