WHEN MR. MOODY first came to Chicago, he went to a Sunday school and asked if he could have a class to teach. The superintendent told him he could have the class if he could get the children in.
Always energetic, Mr. Moody hired a pony and going round the streets where the poor dwelt, he rode and guided a host of youngsters into the Sunday school. Soon he had more children than the superintendent had expected. The Lord blessed the work and many were saved, both children and grown ups, through the evangelist’s ministry.
“O Lord, revive Thy work.” Hab. 3:2.
“Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” Matt. 18:14.
I love to hear the story
Of Jesus long ago,
Who blessed the little children
Because He loved them so.
I know He still is waiting
To bless each child today;
He loves them very dearly
And listens when they pray.