buckler, cold, hook, shield, target
“Buckler” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(cheek). The small round shield used to catch blows. [ARMOR.]
“Shield” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(cover). A defensive piece of armor, varying in size and shape, and made of skin or metal. Worn on left arm. Metaphorically, divine protection (Judg. 5:8; 1 Kings 10:17; Psa. 3:3).
“Target” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(shield). A small shield is meant, and not a target or mark in a modern sense (1 Sam. 17:6). In the margin it is called “gorget,” which was a defensive piece of armor, in the days of chivalry, used to protect the joint or opening between the helmet and cuirass.
“Buckler” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
See Armor.
“Shield” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
As a protection for the body, see ARMOUR.
“Target” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
A shield (1 Kings 10:16; 2 Chron. 9:15; 2 Chron. 14:8). In 1 Samuel 17:6 a small spear is probably intended: the RV. has “javelin.” See ARMOR.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
feminine of 6791; a hook (as pointed); also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness); also cold (as piercing)
KJV Usage:
buckler, cold, hook, shield, target