But Jesus Can Save Me!

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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A general who became famous for his bravery, was a believing Christian.
Often he would take his little son into his arms and tell him about the Lord Jesus. One day he said to the little one: “Would my little boy like to go to heaven?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“But how would you get there, where the holy God is; and your little heart is full of sin?”
“But all people are sinners, Day!”
“That is true,” said the father, “still God has said, that only those that are pure in heart, shall see Him, and you have no pure heart; how shall that come about?”
The boy became very sad, the sorrow could be seen in his face, and he began to weep, and laying his little head on his father’s chest said: “But, Daddy, Jesus can save me!”
He had confidence in the Saviour, for he had often heard that the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. So he took refuge in the Lord Jesus and found peace.
Have you done that yet, dear reader?
“Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.”
As soon as He becomes your Saviour, then He is also your Good Shepherd, who will lead you in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths. Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day. Psa. 25:4, 5