HERE is a letter written to the Press on June 5th 1940. Does it not teach us that God is the same yesterday, today and forever? In these dark days of conflict with a relentless foe at our very gate let us cry out as a nation: “From our enemies defend us, for there is none that fighteth for us but only Thou, O God!”
“Sir, — We have all read with deep thankfulness of the safe withdrawal of so many brave men of the B.E.F. from the German trap in Handers. We have wondered at the skill, the courage, and the endurance of officers and men alike.
“Now let us not forget to thank God for His wonderful answer to the many prayers which ascended on Sunday week at the request of our King. We have heard of the calm sea which permitted the use of small boats on the beaches and allowed swimmers to reach the ships—it is seldom calm in the Channel. We have read of a thick thunder cloud hanging only 500 feet above the Dunkirk quays, which screened our boys from the bombers. A kindly wind gathered a mantle of smoke and spread it above the beaches at a crucial moment. The German wireless admits that a fog which descended on the sea baulked them in their efforts to destroy many of our ships and men.
“Because of these things thousands of homes in the land are rejoicing today in the safe return of their loved ones. Let us, then, not withhold the acknowledgment and praise which are due to God for His mercy, and—let us pray on. — Yours, etc., THANKFUL.”