Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(carry). A two-wheeled vehicle usually drawn by oxen (1 Sam. 6:7-15; Amos 2:13).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
The vehicle on which the Philistines sent back the Ark. David in error also used a “new cart” to fetch it from Gibeah: a human arrangement which displeased the Lord (1 Sam. 6; 2 Sam. 6:3). The same word, agalah, is translated “wagons,” which were sent from Egypt to bring Jacob and his family (Gen. 45:19); and used for the carrying of parts of the tabernacle (Num. 7:3), where they are called “covered wagons,” but which some prefer to call “litter-wagons.” On the Egyptian and Ninevite monuments many carts are portrayed with two wheels, and some of the wheels were made with spokes.