Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Casting or drawing of, a usual way of settling questions
Possibly marked pebbles were used, in a bag or box. Canaan was allotted to the tribes of Israel (Num. 26:55; Josh. 15; 19). Scapegoat so chosen (Lev. 16:8); priest’s courses (1 Chron. 24; 25), property divided (Matt. 27:35).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
This mode of determining a matter was ordered of God to be practiced over the two goats on the day of atonement (Lev. 16:8-10). God also commanded that the land should be divided by lot (Num. 26:55-56). The people resorted to it for various purposes on the return from exile (Neh. 10:34; Neh. 11:1). God overruled among His people how the lot should fall, as stated in Proverbs 16:33: “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” He also could direct it among the heathen to work out His own purposes, as He did in the case of Haman, which so deferred the period of the execution of his design that there was time for the action of Esther, and for new edicts to be sent all over the kingdom, that the Jews might be saved from destruction (Esther 3:7; Esther 9:24). The various names, dates, and so forth, for selection were marked on pieces of wood, potsherd, etc., and these “lots” were then shaken together either in a vessel or the fold of a garment, till one came out.
The lot was also used by the Roman soldiers in parting the garments of the Lord (Psa. 22:18; Mark 15:24). In order to fill up the vacancy caused by the fall of Judas, the lot was resorted to; but was on that occasion accompanied by prayer that the Lord would show which of the two He had chosen (Acts 1:26). There is no instruction in the New Testament as to casting lots. It would have been quite out of place among the disciples while the Lord was with them, as also now that the Holy Spirit has been given to the Christian.
The land being “divided by lot” in a future day means rather that the land will be “allotted,” for God has Himself directed where each of the twelve tribes shall be situated (Ezek. 45:1; Ezek. 47:22; Ezek. 48:29).
From Manners and Customs of the Bible:
Proverbs 18:18. The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.
See also Proverbs 16:33.
The use of the lot, as a mode of settling disputed questions, is very ancient, and was practiced by most ancient nations. It was resorted to in reference to almost all the varied affairs of life. Magistrates and priests were appointed by it, and the land of conquered enemies was distributed by its means.
Among the Hebrews we find its use sanctioned by Divine authority. Thus the scape goat was selected by lot (Lev. 16:8). The inheritances of the tribes in the Land of Promise were determined in the same way (Num. 34:13; Josh. 14:2). The lot was used on various occasions subsequently. We cite a few instances. The men who attacked Gibeah were selected by lot (Judg. 20:9). In this manner Jonathan was detected as the violator of Saul’s command concerning fasting, in his fight with the Philistines (1 Sam. 14:41-42). In this way the positions of the porters in the temple were decided (1 Chron. 26:13). When the storm arose on board the ship where Jonah was the heathen sailors cast lots to determine who had brought them into trouble (Jonah 1:7).
In the New Testament we have allusions to the same practice. The Roman soldiers divided the garments of the Saviour by lot (Matt. 27:35; Mark 15:24). In this manner Matthias was chosen to fill the place of Judas (Acts 1:26).
We have no information given in Scripture concerning the mode by which lots were cast. Among the Latins, especially where several parties were concerned, “little counters of wood, or of some other light material, were put into a jar (called sitella) with so narrow a neck that only one could come out at a time. After the jar had been filled with water and the contents shaken, the lots were determined by the order in which the bits of wood, representing the several parties, came out with the water. In other cases they were put into a wide, open jar and the counters were drawn out by the hand. Sometimes, again, they were cast in the manner of dice” (Fairbairn, Imperial Bible Dictionary, s. v., Lot).
Roberts describes the mode by which property is divided by lot in India, as follows: “They draw on the ground the cardinal points, thus: They then write the names of the parties on separate leaves and mix them all together. A little child is then called, and told to take one leaf and place it on any point of the compass he pleases; this being done, the leaf is opened, and to the person whose name is found therein will be given the field or garden which is in that direction” (Oriental Illustrations, p. 231). He further states that the Hindus settle every disputed question by lot. They decide what physician they shall have, and what remedies, and even leave the selection of a wife to the same blind chance.
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