One sunny autumn afternoon I was walking in the woods, enjoying the sound of the gentle breeze in the birch trees. It was all so peaceful. Stopping for a moment to take a rest, I heard a strange noise close by. At first it was difficult to find the source of the noise. Then, looking closely in among the sticks and leaves, I discovered a snake with his jaws wrapped tightly around a small wood toad. Try as he might, nothing Mr. Toad did could free him from his terrible enemy. All his struggling only made him weaker and weaker. He was caught!
Boys and girls who do not have Christ as their own Saviour are caught by a dangerous enemy who is much stronger and more powerful than they. Satan, “that old serpent,” (Rev. 12:9) has them (and older people, too) held in his grasp through sin. “All have sinned.” Romans 3:23. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
I knew Mr. Toad could not save himself, and if I left him much longer he would certainly be killed. I found a stick close by and hit the snake. Reluctantly, he let Mr. Toad go and slithered off among the leaves—his meal lost. A very weak Mr. Toad hopped away from that spot and stopped to regain his strength on a nearby stick. I had saved his life.
Just as I was the one to save Mr. Toad, there is Someone who is ready and wants to reach down to save boys and girls out of Satan’s grasp. The Lord Jesus Christ, in love to you and me, went to Calvary’s cross to die for our sins. He shed His precious blood there, and anyone who accepts Him as their Saviour is set free forever.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1.
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36.