HEB 11:38
They wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
Hebrews 11:38
Ever wonder where “cavemen” came from? The Bible mentions cavemen several times, including Job 30:3-8. All references to cavemen are after the flood of Noah’s time, that is, in the last 4300 years of the earth’s history. The remains of cavemen are not tens of thousands or millions of years old as some scientists, so-called, would have you believe. God’s Word gives some very simple but powerful explanations for people and things that some men would try to make very complicated. And Hebrews 11:38 tells us some “cavemen” will be in heaven. It’s going to be great to visit with some of our “Neanderthal” brethren and talk about Jesus and His glory.