Chapter 1

 •  15 min. read  •  grade level: 11
“There stands the messenger of truth; there stands
The legate of the skies! His theme divine,
His office sacred, his credentials clear.
In doctrine uncorrupt: in language plain,
And plain in manner: decent, solemn, chaste,
And natural in gesture; much impressed
Himself, as conscious of his awful charge,
And anxious mainly that the flock he feeds
May feel it too. Affectionate in look,
And tender in address, as well becomes
A messenger of grace to guilty men.”
THE Reverend Mr. JAMES BRUCE, the head of that family whose lives we are briefly to record, was the youngest son of a very respectable gentleman in the upper district of Lanarkshire. In his boyhood he gave such indications of superior talent and love of piety and learning, as induced his father to educate him for the ministry. During the course of his studies in the University of Glasgow, James applied himself to the various branches of education, which were then taught, with an assiduity and success which proved that his father was noways wrong in the profession he had chosen for his son. In divine literature, to which the pious bent of his mind, as well as his future views, directed him chiefly, his progress was extremely rapid, and his acquirements solid and extensive. Of controversial theology he was by no means ignorant; although his mild and peaceful mind delighted itself especially in contemplating the plain truths of the Bible, and how they might be impressed with the happiest effects on the souls of men. The New Testament he read continually; and his heart was warmed with its love, and his soul fashioned to its precepts. As his judgment was sound, so his feelings were strong. The history of our Saviour’s life, and sufferings, and death, made a most extraordinary impression on his mind; and while he read, and loved, and adored, his soul took on the likeness of the great Testator, in the holy simplicity of his character, in resignation to the will of God, in devotion to the duties of religion, and in love to mankind. To those acquirements, without which a minister is ill fitted for his office, he added a pretty extensive knowledge of philosophy and books of taste; and withal he was not an unsuccessful student of the human heart.
The romantic scenery amidst which his childhood had been nursed had strongly imaged on his mind the pure objects of nature; and, following his own propensity, as well as imitating the writers of the Bible, he made ample use of them, in summoning them forth to bear witness to God’s power, and wisdom, and goodness, and in illustrating by them the doctrines of the gospel.
With a mind thus prepared, in his twenty-sixth year, Mr. Bruce received a call from the inhabitants of S⸺ (a small village on the water of Ayr) and its neighborhood, to be heir minister. The call, as every minister of sincere heart would wish, was cordial and unanimous. The situation of the village, although this was only a secondary consideration with Mr. Bruce, was such as peculiarly concorded with his feelings and desires. Placed in a sequestered hollow, through which the Ayr led its stream, winding pleasantly, covered with hills which rose abruptly on every side, giving root to the beech, the oak, and the birch, which interwove their varied robes in Nature’s taste, the little village seemed to be the very home of pensive goodness and holy meditation. These things urged him to accept the call. Above all, that he might be like his Saviour, continually engaged in his heavenly Father’s work, instructing the ignorant, and training immortal spirits for heaven, he gladly complied with the invitation, and was accordingly settled among them.
Soon after this settlement, he married Miss Eliza Inglis, the daughter of a gentleman who lived in the neighborhood of Mr. Bruce’s father. This marriage was the result of a long-nourished affection, founded on like tastes and like desires. As they had spent their childhood and youth near one another they became early acquainted, and early attached to each other. Miss Inglis, as she grew up, added to a handsome person, and an engaging countenance, the prudence and industry of domestic management, as well as some of those more liberal acquirements, fitted to render her a proper companion for a person of learning and taste. But what had attached Mr. Bruce to her, and what was still the charm that bound his heart closer and closer to hers, was the natural tenderness of her soul, and the meek loveliness of her piety. It was this holy kind-heartedness, this simplicity of nature, added to the humility of the Christian, that threw enchantment into her look, and made her the more beloved, the more she was known.
Such was the young lady, whom, in her twenty-fourth year, Mr. Bruce made the partner of his life. Her good report had reached the village before her, and she was received with joy. The meekness and innocence of her countenance was a passport to the hearts of all with whom she conversed; and the young as well as the old, the rich as well as the poor, applauded Mr. Bruce’s prudent choice; and, no doubt, conscious as he was of this world’s vanity, he pictured to himself a long perspective of the purest and sweetest of earthly felicity. And, indeed, if youth and health, the comforts of plenty, wedded affection, mutually and fondly cherished, founded on the best of motives, and strengthened and tempered by the influences of religion, together with the esteem and love of neighbors, and peace with ourself and our Maker, could warrant any man to hope for much and long-lasting happiness under the sun, surely Mr Bruce might well entertain this hope.
In the pulpit, Mr. Bruce was truly the messenger of God. He knew the dignity of his office, and its awful responsibility; and, regardless of the face of man, with an earnestness which was of the heart and with a voice, and look, and gesture, which suited themselves at all times to his subject, he made known the momentous commandments, with which his Master had entrusted him, and enforced the practice of them. Although he was by no means remiss in setting before his flock the terrors of God’s wrath, which shall awfully fall on the finally impenitent, his natural mildness of disposition rather led him to enlarge on the eternal love of God, manifested in the scheme of redemption and to allure his people from the evil of their ways, by painting the beauties of holiness, bringing home to their minds the joy of peace with God, and pointing their eye away to the rewards of immortality. He rather drew his flock after him, as with the suasive of irresistible melody, than drove them into the straight path, by the frowning’s of offended justice, and the threatening’s of coming vengeance.
The abstract doctrines of Christianity he did not leave untaught; but he urged incessantly the practice of heartfelt godliness, faith in Jesus Christ, love to God, and charity to man. He never thought of wasting time, and defrauding his hearers, by heaping together numberless meanings for one passage of Scripture, or proving what no one ever doubted, or in endeavoring to bring to the level of human capacity, those truths of revelation which Infinity alone can fully understand, and which we are rather commanded to believe than comprehend. He did not so much give reason after reason, to prove why God had a right to enjoin this or that duty, because he knew that few doubted this right, as he set himself to persuade his flock to the doing of it. What is practical in Christianity, he exhorted his people to practice; what is subject of credence merely, he believed, and taught others the reasonableness of believing it, and its influence on the heart and life; and instead of bewildering himself, and producing doubt and darkness in the minds of his auditors, by entering boldly, like many divines, on the explanation of what is, in itself, incomprehensible, he stood still, and believed, and adored, and took from it a lesson of humility.
But what, in his public ministrations, drew every ear into attention, and, through the blessing of God, produced such effects on the heart, was not more the soundness of his doctrines, than the earnestness of his persuasions. His was not the cold-hearted address of formality, which suits so ill a servant of the ever-earnest Jesus. He seemed to know the worth of an immortal soul, and the value of eternal happiness; and he pleaded for God and truth—for man’s welfare here and hereafter, as one would plead for the life of an only sum. He taught, he Warned, he rebuked, he comforted, with his whole heart; and was not ashamed, that, like his great Master, the tears of love and holy sorrow should be sometimes seen weeping down his cheek.
His daily manners suited his character in the pulpit. He was grave, decorous, and affable; dignified without loftiness, and familiar without meanness. He disgusted not the old by levity, nor terrified the young by austerity. Regarding himself as the spiritual father of his flock, and naturally kind, he made the interest of all his own. The child, as well as the man of gray hairs, found in him a cheerful friend and a pleasant instructor. Mr. Bruce spent much of his time in visiting from house to house; a duty enjoined by the Bible, which the ministers of the seventeenth century seem to have recognized, or at least practiced, better than those of the nineteenth. Although his learning and cultivated manners made him noways disagreeable to the higher circles, and his duty sometimes called him to mingle with them, yet you would not always have seen him in the train of the wealthy, or seated by the table of luxury. He went about comforting the brokenhearted, infusing the balm of heavenly comfort into the wounded soul, and administering here and there, out of his little income, to the wants of the needy. He entered into the hut of widowed loneliness, and took his station by the bed of poverty in distress. The dying saint saw him enter his chamber, and caught brighter views of the land beyond the grave from his Conversation, and felt his faith increase in the earnestness of his prayers. Nor did he pass by the house where the wicked man lay on the bed of death; but drew near his couch, and labored, with admonition, with prayer, with entreaty, to turn the sinner’s eye to the cross of Christ, and save his soul from death. His character was indeed a model which his parishioners might have imitated with as much safety as they obeyed the doctrines which he taught. He never thought of preaching humility, and yet walking in the stately steps of pride; of recommending purity of heart, and yet indulging in the pleasures of sense; of eulogizing and enforcing charity, and yet shutting his own ear to the cry of want.
While Mr. Bruce was thus engaged, feeding his flock, and endearing himself to them by his constant vigilance for their welfare, he enjoyed the utmost domestic peace and happiness. Mrs. Bruce’s prudent management saved him from all trouble with household affairs. His stipend was small; but she regulated her expenses accordingly. His manse, like many of the clergymen’s houses in those days, was, when he came to it, a very inconvenient and dull-looking building; and had been suffered, besides, to fall into sad disrepair by the former incumbent, who had lived a single life, and, although peculiarly careful of his charge, had minded little about the comforts of his own house. The rain found its way plentifully through the ragged roof; the windows had, in many instances, exchanged their glass panes for boards, or something still less befitting, and were nearly darkened by the honeysuckle and rose-trees, which had been left to spread at will. Up the walls, too, clambered the dock and the nettle; and the little plot, which gently sloped from the door to the river, was so overgrown with brushwood and weeds of every description, that the passage to the stream, in that direction, was almost shut up. The inside of the house was in no better state. The cornice and plaster, in many places, had fallen from the walls; the floor was so decayed, as to endanger the fall of those who walked on it; and in the closets and bed-rooms, spiders and other vermin had long taken up their abode.
As Mr. Bruce was generally beloved, the heritors, of their own accord, agreed to repair his house; and, under Mrs. Bruce’s care, everything about the manse soon assumed a livelier and more handsome appearance. The vermin were driven from their settlements, the windows filled with glass, and everything within assorted with taste and elegance. The improvement was not less conspicuous without. The little plot before the house was cleared of its brambles and weeds, and assumed the smoothness of a bowling-green; the dock and nettle were uprooted; and the rose and honeysuckle, although preserved with care, were now taught to bend their branches in subordination to taste and usefulness. The broad stone, which lay immediately before the front door, and which had been hid under a thick coat of dirt, was cleaned and washed; and, indeed, all without looked so cheerful, orderly, and comfortable, as well bespoke the peace, and concord, and happiness, that dwelt within. So inviting the old dwelling looked, that the traveler would not have passed it, without wishing to see its inhabitants; and the weary wanderer would have approached the door, in confidence of a kind welcome to nourishment and repose.
Mr. Bruce, as we have observed, as he had no need, gave himself no trouble about household affairs. His hours of leisure, which were indeed but few, were therefore spent in some innocent amusement. At these times, Mrs. Bruce was alway ready to attend him. Her conversation, cheerful and varied, never failed to refresh his mind when it had been exhausted by study, and to restore it to tranquility when it had been disturbed by any unpleasing occurrence. Mr. Bruce was very fond of the simple songs of his country; and although his wife’s voice was not surprisingly fine, or her management of it very tasteful, her singing would have pleased anyone who admired simplicity and feeling. But her husband was delighted; for he gazed on her with eyes of the tenderest affection while she sung to him the sweet melodies of Scotland. Sometimes they read together in some useful and entertaining book―sometimes they walked by the banks of the Ayr, enjoying the loveliness of nature, and giving audience to the song of the thrush and the blackbird, which from the birch or hawthorn joined their minstrelsy to the mellow pipe of the wind, and the purling voice of the stream.
To all these enjoyments were added, first a son, and afterward a daughter; the one, Andrew, as everybody said, the very image of his father; the other, Mary, no less the likeness of her mother. Eager to instruct all, Mr. Bruce was doubly so with regard to nis own children. He observed with a father’s and Christian’s eye, the opening of their infant faculties, and at an early hour shed upon them the light of truth, and spared no pains to warm their young and tender hearts with love to God and religion. He taught them betimes the way to heaven, setting their faces thitherward: and it pleased God to bless his teaching, and render it effectual. He taught them love to one another and to their fellow-creatures; and he turned the attention of their minds to those pleasing and sublime ideas which the objects of nature are fitted to produce.
Andrew, who seemed to resemble his father in his mental as well as corporeal parts, was early designed for the ministry. His education was, therefore, conducted chiefly under his father’s eye; while Mary learned the more gentle and delicate accomplishments, befitting her character, from her mother; and never had parents more comfort in instructing and watching over their offspring. They loved their parents, and did everything to please them: they loved each other, feared God, and delighted in obeying his will. They increased daily in knowledge and stature, growing up like well-watered plants which the Lord hath blessed. The rose of health bloomed on their cheeks, and the sacred spirit of religion looked already from their eyes, Religion! thou art happiness. Thou infusest the calm of heaven into the bosom of man, and poorest into his heart the sweetness of celestial enjoyment. Thou hast, indeed, special rewards to give in the land of glory. There thou openest the arms of everlasting felicity to receive all thy followers at last, into the fullness of its embrace—there thou securest them a place by the font of original life. But thou art even here infinitely superior to every other thing in the purity and sweetness of thy enjoyments. Thou art thyself fair as the light of God; and thou stampest on all the pleasures of thy sons the imagery of heaven, and minglest them with the relishes of immortality. Woe unto him that seeketh his happiness apart from thee He shall be miserably disappointed.