In the steepes or vast sterile plains of Northern Russia and Siberia, there is no more fearful sound heard than that of the wolves in winter time. Famished, they go in packs looking and smelling everywhere for prey. Woe to the traveler, or any living thing that falls into their power; he is devoured in a short time, and nothing is left of him but the bones. The horses scent them from afar, and do not need to feel the sting of the whip on their backs to make them gallop with all their might away from danger.
Should some of the wolves get close to the sleighs, and the travelers succeed in killing one or more of the pack, the others will immediately fall upon the wounded and devour them. In this way they are arrested for a while, and perhaps the tralers gain enough time to reach some village or town where the wolves will not dare pursue. We hope it was the case with our two men and their beautiful horses.
If you were in such danger, children, would you stop and play by the way? Would you really not care if any one told you those terrible enemies were near Would you say,
“I don’t believe it, because I don’t see them yet?”
No, of course you would not; instead, you would flee fast, fast toward safety, with a prayer to God to save you.
Have you fled to the Saviour for safety from your powerful and mighty enemy, the devil, who, like a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour? Have you, in your heart, come to rite Lord Jesus, and said,
“O Lord, I am a sinful, lost child, and cannot save myself; I come to Thee, who hast died for sinners, and I believe that Thou wilt save me, for Thou hast said,
‘Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out?’” John 6:37.
Then you will be safe from your great enemy, safe in the arms of Jesus, for time and eternity.
ML 12/28/1941