Children, Can You Tell Me Why

 •  1 min. read
Children, can you tell me why
Jesus came to bleed and die?
He was happy high above,
Dwelling in His Father's love,
Yet He left His joy and bliss,
For a wicked world like this.
Children, I will tell you why
Jesus left His home on high;
He is gracious, full of love,
Kind, and gentle as a dove,
So He would not live alone,
Though He sat upon a throne.
We were all by sin undone,
Yet He loved us, every one;
So to earth He kindly came,
On the cross to bear our shame,
And to wash away our guilt
In the precious blood He spilt.
He who for our sins was slain,
Lives and dwells above again,
Where He's waiting to receive
All who will His love believe;
This, dear children, this is why
Jesus came to bleed and die.