Children's Corner

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Now that the days are shorter and colder, we begin to look for comfortable nooks and corners, and I feel I should like to gather a goodly number of the young readers of Gospel Gleanings in my cozy room round the fire, and have a good long talk with them, instead of writing what, I have to say.
Talking is so much pleasanter than writing, isn't it? You can get an answer, or have a question asked, and so in ten minutes we should know each other better than through a dozen articles.
But when people cannot meet however much they may wish it, there is nothing for it but to write; and as we cannot see each other "face to face," we ought to be thankful for pen and ink.
My home is in a quaint old Welsh town with a grim old castle, and beautiful trees; and as I look out I see the trees all turning red and yellow, and the wind swirling the leaves hither and thither; and without the feeling of chill in the air, I could tell that the "summer is past, the harvest is ended" and winter is near.
Do any of you remember those solemn words of the prophet Jeremiah, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." A very solemn verse, is it not? Just read it over once or twice very carefully, and ask yourself as before the Lord, Am I saved?
You see in God's word there are two sorts of people mentioned, two roads on which they travel, and two destinations for them to reach. Two sorts of people—saved and unsaved. Two roads—broad and narrow. Two destinations—heaven and hell. Now if there had been different grades of goodness and badness mentioned, we might all wonder which grade we belonged to, but goodness and badness are not named—only the saved and unsaved, so in God's sight you are one or the other; either on the broad or narrow road, and consequently, bound for heaven or hell.
Dear young friends, which is it? You have perhaps seen ten, twelve, fourteen, or sixteen summers and winters, and each year has increased your responsibility. This summer is over, the harvest gathered in, and winter before us. Have you made your choice this year, to be on the Lord's side and to have Him as your Savior, Master, Friend, or are you putting it off to a more convenient season? Has God told you you will have another year to live? If not, how dare you presume upon it? The command may go forth any day, "Cut it down," and you know all the money in the world cannot stay the hand of death.
It is only the spring of your life as yet, but if God spares you, summer will soon be on you, and remember that the work done in the spring is shown in the harvest. Now would you not like to belong to Jesus early, and so by His grace give the best of your lives to Him, and bring home sheaves for His glory? Then if the reaper death should come for you, you will be gathered into God's garner, to the praise of Him Who shed His blood to save you; and then, instead of that bitter, bitter cry, "Too late," you will join in the Alleluias round the throne, and sing with the redeemed, " Unto him that loveth us and washed us from our sins in his own blood ... to him be the glory and dominion forever and ever.”