Chocolate Pudding Paint

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Jake and Andy were so excited. Today was the last Sunday school before summer vacation. This day was always special because their teacher had special prizes and treats to pass out! “I wonder what we are going to get this time?” they said to each other.
Finally it was time to go to their class, and the boys bounded downstairs.
They thought their teacher looked awfully serious for such a bright, sunny day. They couldn’t help but wonder why. Mrs. Evans soon explained. It was because she realized this could be the very last Sunday school lesson the boys would ever hear. God’s Word says, “Surely I come quickly.” Revelation 22:20. And Mrs. Evans wanted every boy in her class to know the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and be ready if He should come before she saw them again.
The Bible text for that Sunday was, “It is time to seek the Lord.” Hosea 10:12. Mrs. Evans stressed how important it was to listen to God’s Word and obey what He told them to do. She told them what Jeremiah did. He felt what God said was so important that he said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them.” Jeremiah 15:6.
Mrs. Evans held up her Bible and asked Andy, “What is this?”
“The Word of God,” he answered.
“That’s right,” said Mrs. Evans. Then she asked the boys to take a great big bite of the Bible.
The boys were shocked. “You can’t eat a Bible!”
Well then, what does that verse mean, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them”?
The boys did not know what to say.
Mrs. Evans was going to help them understand. She asked the boys to take off their jackets and roll up their shirt sleeves.
Boy, this sure is a strange Sunday school class! they thought. But they did as they were told. Then they all went over to a table where sheets of waxed paper were spread out. Mrs. Evans spooned out a big glob of chocolate pudding onto every boy’s sheet of waxed paper. Since most children enjoy finger painting, she had them spread out the chocolate pudding “paint” with their hands. Then, using a finger, each boy spelled out in the pudding in big letters, “IT IS TIME TO SEEK THE LORD.” They read the message out loud all together. Then Mrs. Evans gave them permission to eat their paintings! Boy, did that chocolate pudding paint taste good!
Well, what was the point of this Sunday school lesson? Jake answered that question very nicely when he showed the teacher a verse he had underlined in his Bible. It read, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2. He understood that the time to seek the Lord was NOW. And if each boy would obey and seek the Lord NOW, he would be “eating” those words from God.
This may be your last chance to accept Jesus Christ as your own Saviour. Don’t wait; act NOW, “for the time is at hand.” Revelation 22:10.
Can you guess what each boy received for a prize that day? Mrs. Evans gave each boy a watch. She hopes that every time they look at their wristwatches they’ll be reminded that, “It is time to seek the Lord.” And she hopes that each boy will “eat” those words before it is too late.
Have you?
ML 09/23/1990