Choose Ye!

EVERYONE, young or old, must at one point in his life choose for himself whether he will be for God or for the world!
Sometimes the choice is made very early. An aged Christian, whose life was spent in God’s service, died the other day when he was a little child of four years of age, he had thrown himself upon the floor, and sobbed out to God that he would be His! Many times very young children have felt their need of Jesus and have come to Him for His salvation, and remember, dear children, that there is only one way of salvation, and that that way is the same for young and for old.
Another aged Christian was telling us how that, at seventeen years of age, she had decided for Christ, and how that God had been with her all through her long life. “Ye must be born again,” she said, was the Scripture of all others she would impress upon the young.
“Choose ye!” For it is impossible to belong to both God and the world, and, as there is only one way of salvation for all, so have all their world! Little children can be selfish and unkind quite as easily as grown up people, and they can show the happy life of the true Christian in their way, as clearly as old people do in theirs.
“Choose ye!” How glad was the aged man, of whom we have spoken, that he came to God his Father when he was but a little child. We have never heard of any one regretting that he came to Jesus too soon. May each of you choose for yourselves without delay, and may your lives show that you are His. In Christian things the first step is usually the most difficult to take, for when there has been decision to be firm and true the battle is won; therefore the importance of the exhortation” Choose ye.”