Christ and the Scriptures

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
It is remarkable that our Lord is spoken of as " The Word " (John 1:1), and our Lord Himself refers to the Scriptures as " The Word of God " (John 10:35).
Writers sometimes refer to our Lord as the living Word; to the Scriptures as the written Word. It is clear that our Lord and the Scriptures stand or fall together. Our Lord refers to the Scriptures repeatedly as inspired, and were they to fall short of that claim, it would mean the utter overthrow of the Christian faith. On the other hand, the Scriptures refer to our Lord. Of course when
our Lord was on this earth there were only the Old Testament writings. These prophesied the coming of our Lord, that He should be the Child of a virgin, that He should be born at Bethlehem, that He should live a life altogether pleasing to God and be refused by men, that He should be crucified, that He should rise from the dead. If these Scriptures were not literally fulfilled in every detail to the very letter, that would prove the Scriptures were not fully inspired, and where could we turn for assurance about divine revelation, or the way of salvation?
In this way we can see that unless we bring the doctrine of Christ in maintaining that the Scriptures are infallible as the inspired book of God, we have no sure ground for our faith. On the other hand, unless we have a Christ fulfilling every prophecy and every type of the Scriptures to the very letter, again the whole scheme of the Christian faith would fall to the ground.
Blessed be God, the Scriptures have stood the ceaseless attacks of the long centuries. And attacks on the Person of our blessed Lord can only recoil to the destruction of those who make them. We read,
" We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth." (2 Cor. 13: 8).
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