"Christ Is My Goodness"

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LITTLE, girl who knew the Lord Jesus, and who could not help singing about His love while playing, or at work at home, was asked by a Christian if she knew she was a sinner; and if she thought she was good enough to go to heaven?
“O yes, sir,” was her reply.
“But you have no goodness,” said he.
“Indeed I have, sir,” she answered.
“And where is your goodness!” he asked.
“Up in heaven, sir,” she replied, with a smile; “Christ is my goodness as well as my Saviour.”
How sweetly some little ones learn about Jesus; and to them that believe He is precious. May you dear children find in Jesus salvation, life, peace, joy, and goodness, through faith in His name.
“Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” 1 Cor. 1:30.
ML 08/27/1933