Eternal Life
In the Gospel of John we get the eternal life that was with the Father manifested on earth and communicating itself when the Spirit of God enabled the ear to hear the words of the Son and to believe Him that sent Him — that soul thus passing from death to life. But the epistle of John carries on this history and character of eternal life and shows it to us as now dwelling in the saints and to be manifested here in them during the absence of Christ, who is that eternal life. The eternal life in John’s epistle is described as dwelling in the saint, first having been here in Him who is the eternal life.
The Word became flesh and dwelt on earth for 33 years, exhibiting in His walk, ways and words, in His daily history and interaction with man, what this eternal life was. Wherever there was conviction of sin by the Spirit, faith opened the eye to discover virtue in Jesus. Nature saw nothing but the carpenter’s son, but faith’s perceptions could exclaim, “We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father” (John 1:14).
As Many as Received Him
“As many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12). We must remember that all things were given to Him of God, yet “no man knoweth the Son, but the Father” (Matt. 11:27). He came down in humanity to reveal God. “No man hath seen God at any time” (John 1:18), yet this Son of God, through His Word, reveals the Father to the humblest believer. And He not only reveals God to us, but brings down in Himself eternal life to as many as receive Him through the Word, so that we are not only born again and become sons, but by this eternal life in us, we have the capacity to know God Himself as the true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.
Made Fit for Himself in Glory
But this blessed One, to fit us for this heavenly association with Himself in glory, had to vindicate the claims of God’s righteousness against sin and the evil that Satan had brought in. He had to be made sin, He who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. And, taking this place of sin, He had to meet and suffer all God’s righteous wrath against sin, even when He Himself was most obedient in doing the will of God. Still more, He had to go through Satan’s power and his hour of darkness before He could in victory bring us with Himself as brethren to His Father’s house.
We know, when this blessed One came from heaven with the truth and goodness of God for man, how He was despised and rejected. Not a house in Bethlehem was open to Him. This was man’s reception of God! How different God’s reception of man as a sinner! Even the thief was to be with Him that day in Paradise. Those who through grace have let the Savior into their hearts are made sons and left for a while here in that relationship to walk as vessels having in them this eternal life, to shine before men, as sons walking in the obedience of Christ before God. With Christ so dwelling in their hearts, that fruit will be love, not in word but in deed.
God Is the Giver
God is the Giver and Source of this life, but it is in the Son we get the life, and, though there are different degrees of its enjoyment, as in children, young men, and fathers, the character is the same in each — lowliness, love and obedience. It is a beautiful plant, and still more beautiful blossoms come from it. Being of the Father’s planting, it cannot be rooted up.
It is true the Father knows us down here as His children, and we know the very hairs of our head are all numbered. Therefore He bids us, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).
All this is most precious and needful to us as we pass through this evil world. It enables us, in the confidence of such care, to cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for us. But the moment we take our place in Christ Jesus before God, in the intelligence of death and resurrection and in the power of the Holy Spirit come down from a glorified Christ, at that moment we get hold of deeper treasures of the Father’s love on which to feed. We are now sons of God, having the same life as His beloved Son. As such, we can enjoy the same things as Christ enjoys—an inestimable privilege!
In Christ Before Him in Love
We find that God’s thoughts about us and His affections towards us are now measured by what is due to the love and obedience of Christ. It is not merely God’s care as Creator and Preserver over His people in mercy, but it is rather as His Son would know such a Father’s love. “As the Father hath loved Me, so I have loved you” (John 15:9). In the purpose of God we are now before Him in Christ in love, for His own complacency and delight in us. We know the love of Christ “that passeth knowledge” and are being filled with all the fullness of God!
Having thus saved us and called us with a holy calling, chosen us in Christ Jesus before the world began, and raised us up together with Christ, He now expects us to be here a manifestation of God through the Holy Spirit. Hereafter in the ages to come He will show forth the riches of His grace in His kindness towards us through Christ Jesus, but He leaves us here now, as individuals, to learn lessons of His love and patience with us. He teaches us more of our own hearts and forms our spiritual affections by His Word and Spirit, so that we may be able to enjoy our privileges more fully when we shall be in His presence in that day. He leaves us here in the wilderness as sons, not merely for our own rich and precious privileges as indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but also that we, as the sons of God, “in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,” may “shine as lights in the world” (Phil. 2:15). But this dignity belongs only to those who have eternal life and are conscious that they are not of this world, even as He is not of this world — those who have passed in faith with Christ beyond resurrection.
Food for the Flock, Vol. 3 (adapted)