Mrs. Eddy writes: "The theory of three persons in one God (that is a personal Trinity or Tri-unity) suggests polytheism rather than the one ever-present I AM" (S. & H., p. 256).
As Mrs. Eddy did not know the grammatical use of the English language, we certainly cannot expect her to have had any knowledge of the Hebrew. It is unfortunate for her that the very first verse in the Bible should contradict her. If Mrs. Eddy is past any attempts to enlighten her, we can at least try to enlighten her followers. In the Hebrew language there is the singular number, that is, one; the dual, that is two; the plural, that is THREE or more. We read in Gen. 1:1:
"In the beginning God [plural] created [singular] the heaven and the earth."
Mrs. Eddy is refuted in the very first verse of the Bible. Moreover, the word "God" (plural) is repeated in Gen. 1, no less than thirty times. Even her limited knowledge of English should have sufficed; without any knowledge of Hebrew she could have read Gen. 1:26, "And God [plural] said, Let US [plural] make man in OUR [plural] image, after OUR [plural] likeness."
And the plural noun followed by a singular verb gives us exactly what Mrs. Eddy denies-a TRI-UNITY, or three divine persons, yet ONE God: for Scripture presents the Father as God, the Son as God, the Holy Spirit as God. Yet with all her denial of the Trinity Mrs. Eddy promulgates a trinity of her own manufacture. She says, "God the Father-mother; Christ the spiritual idea of sonship; divine Science, or the Holy Comforter. These three express in divine Science the threefold essential nature of the infinite" (S. & H., p. 331-2).
Her God is not the God of the Scriptures. She alters His blessed name, and hyphenates it for her own evil purposes in a way quite foreign to and unsupported by Scripture.
Her Christ is not the Christ of divine revelation. She reduces His divine person to an idea. Her Holy Comforter is not the Holy Spirit of the Bible. She reduces His divine person to the contents of the book, Science and Health, of which she is the authoress, and by which she lined her pockets with ill-gotten riches.
Where did Mrs. Eddy get the idea of a "threefold essential nature of the infinite" if not from the Bible? She denies the divine presentation of it in the Bible, and yet steals the idea for her own purposes. Neither logic, consistency, common sense, nor honesty is known by her.