A “Latter Day” Delusion to entrap the cultured and restless soul seeking some new thing.
This cult was founded in 1866 by “Mother” Eddy, an ex-spiritualistic medium. Its teachings are officially set forth in an abstruse and disconnected work called “Science and Health,” which is read at its public services. In this blasphemous work Christian Science denies that man is fallen, it denies the judgment, it denies the existence of the Holy Spirit, it denies the atonement, it denies that Jesus was the Christ.
Christian Science is virtually the Gnostic heresy of the first century and challenges in toto the very Person of God. “God is Principle, Spirit, Mind.” God is “Infinite Good” nothing less, NOTHING MORE. The work of Christ as Saviour has no place, but Jesus is held forth as an example of the “perfect mind.”
As there is no personal God, so there is (according to this Science) no personal devil. “Sin, disease and death are the result of man’s self-imposed wrong thinking.” Men will through the supremacy of mind over matter reach perfection when sin, disease and death will be no more. Thus—miserable travesty of salvation! ― “the Christian Scientist is ever trying to cast out of himself sin of every kind.” Prayer, as revealed in God’s Word, is utterly taken away.
To come boldly to a throne of grace is unknown. “Prayer,” says Mrs. Eddy, “to a personal God is a hindrance.”
The progress of this delusion is truly remarkable. It has a gorgeous temple in Boston, U.S.A., which vies in size and magnificence with St. Paul’s Cathedral. During the past ten years its growth has been so rapid that it is computed there will in a few years be three millions in England who will have accepted its blasphemies.
The attraction of this anti-Christian “Science” (?) is the mind cures it is said to have wrought. It has been embraced as a healing Science by many restless souls who have never been brought to realize fully that Christ is the Satisfier as well as Saviour of His believing people.
The crowning blasphemy is the claim that Christian Science is the promised Holy Spirit. A leading lecturer of the cult stated in London on July 10th, 1916: ― “It is evident from many of Jesus’ sayings that He knew that the truth which He taught about God would be hidden from the world for a time, but would again appear as ‘the Spirit of Truth’ guiding men into all righteousness. This ‘Spirit of Truth’ was discovered by Mrs. Eddy in the year 1866.”
There can be no doubt that “Christian Science” is one of the great phases of the apostasy, which the Holy Spirit has forewarned us will overspread Christendom, as the end draws nigh (1 Tim. 4:1-2.