Have you ever come close to losing your life? In my 16 years, I have come close to death more than once.
One time was at night, and I was with a couple of friends driving on a country road. While trying to pass a slower moving car, we topped a hill and discovered that another car was moving quickly toward us from the other direction. We were headed straight for a head-on collision! Thankfully, the road was wide enough that our car could fit in between the two cars with only inches to spare. For those endless seconds, I knew we were close to serious injury - or worse.
It may sound strange to you, but I am not afraid of death. I know where I am going when I die. I know that Someone else loved me so much that He died on the cross for my sins, so that when I do die, I will not be punished for those sins. His name is Jesus Christ. I accepted Him as my very own Saviour several years ago, and I know that He has given me everlasting life - life which even physical death cannot take away. This promise from God is given to us in the Bible: “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that [you] may know that [you] have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).
Another time I was in a car driving through Philadelphia. It was rush-hour, and the freeways were crowded and traffic was moving fast. Suddenly, a car beside us decided to move into our lane, and there wasn’t room for both cars! Thankfully, with some quick car handling we got out of the situation without harm.
In both close calls, no one was hurt. But if almost anything had been different, both could have been fatal. Sixteen is not too young to lose your life. Lots of people have died long before they reach 16, including several of my friends. I did not expect to come so close to death on those two car trips, but death can claim young people in unexpected ways at unexpected times.
I do not know when I am going to die, and neither do you. What if it were today? Are you ready? God says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Are you facing that judgment for your sins? God says more: “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:2728). If you will believe that Christ died for your sins, the punishment has already been paid at the cross for you. God’s gift of eternal life will be yours and can remove all fear of death. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that [hears] My word, and [believes] on Him that sent Me, [has] everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
Those of us who already have believed that Jesus died for our sins know that we may never pass through death, because of another promise God has given us in the Bible. He says, “I [Jesus] will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3). He doesn’t tell us exactly when He will come for us, so it could be today. This is another important reason to be sure the matter of your sins is settled right now.