The following incident was told me some time ago. May it serve to strengthen the faith of any who are in difficult, trying circumstances.
A lady occupied in Christian work accompanied an inmate of one of the homes where she labored to the bus. Having bought the woman her ticket and seen her safely off to her destination, she took a bus to her own part of the city.
When the time came to pay the fare, she discovered that her pocket had probably been picked, for her purse was gone. As she had no money, she was obliged to leave the bus. A frail woman, she could not walk the long distance, and she knew no one in the neighborhood. She left the vehicle and walked slowly toward the park, praying to her God and Father and telling Him of her difficulty which was a very real one indeed.
Arriving at the park, she sat down on one of the seats, wondering how God would help her. She knew He would not fail her, so she was kept in peace. In a seemingly idle way, she wrote on the gravel with her umbrella the words, "God is love," and as she got to the last letter of the word "love," she turned up a coin that was black with lying there in the gravel.
Thanking God for sending her just what she needed and had asked for, she continued her journey. The next conductor remarked on the state of the coin, and she said that it was indeed a very discolored one, but that it had been sent her in answer to prayer, by her God and Father. She was not ashamed to tell him before the other passengers how she had come by the money.
Perhaps you may think this finding of a coin pure coincidence. But why? The same God who said, "I have commanded the ravens to feed thee," could direct His child's steps to the seat, and her hand to the lost piece of money. So underline in your heart the last word of the text found in Mark 11:22: "Have faith in GOD."