John 21:12
The meal was spread upon the shore that morning;
The night-worn toilers heard the call divine;
’Twas fish they sought — and fish indeed were granted;
But more than this — there was His “Come and dine.”
What made that meal so wondrous in its spreading?
What spake it then? What says it still today?
What lesson deep was taught to them that morning?
What would He through it unto us convey?
He spread the meal! ’Twas clear that He was caring!
Not their own skill or will that breakfast spread:
Anxious, but failing, on the lake they lingered —
While on the shore there waited fish and bread.
And if forsaking, at His call or bidding,
Fishing or toiling, tasks once yours or mine —
Will He forget, forsake or ever fail us?
Or will He bid us daily, “Come and dine”?
J. D. Smith