YES, dear boys and girls, come early to Jesus. Happy, indeed, are the young who know His love. Happy in living; happy in dying.
As we grow older it seems harder to come to Jesus. Every time you listen to His loving invitation, “Come,” and go away without coming to Him, you have made it more hard for yourself to come to Him. Do not think that you can come to Him tomorrow, or when you grow old. The word is Now: therefore, come early. Today, today! rings in our ears. You may never live till tomorrow, you may never grow old, therefore come now.
Jesus will be your Friend all through life. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Should your parents die, should you be left alone in the world, with the Lord near you, you will always be cared for. Do not turn away from such a Friend, but, since He calls you, come early. If it be a child of five or six who is reading these lines, still we say, “Come early,” for no one can come too early to the blessed Saviour.