Come to Jesus Right Now

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WHEN the Lord Jesus Christ was down here, years and years ago, many came to Him, and He met them in all their need. He was so kind, so good, so full of love, that whoever came to Him in faith always received what he needed.
If a blind man came, the Lord Jesus opened his eyes; if a deaf man, the Lord Jesus opened his ears; if a leprous man, the Lord Jesus cleansed him; and if a poor sinner came to Him about his or her sins, the Lord Jesus forgave them. How glad and thankful those must have been who received such wonderful blessings from Jesus. How they should have desired the blessing of others.
Yet we find that there were some of those whom Jesus loved, and who loved and followed Jesus, who tried to hinder little ones from being brought to Him, and scolded the persons who brought them.
But Jesus knew all about it—blessed be His name—He knows everything, for He is God as well as man; and when He saw this,
“He was much displeased.” Mark 10:14. Jesus felt it. And He is as tender and full of feeling today as He was then. And there came those precious, loving, tender, yet rebuking words from His lips, and not only from His lips but from His heart,
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not.” Mark 10:14.
The Lord Jesus Himself desired that little children should come. You are not too little to “come to Jesus.” Will you come? You need a Saviour; and the Lord Jesus, although He is not here, but in Heavenly glory, is still the same loving Saviour. And you need Him now, this very moment, if you are not already saved.
Remember, you are to come to a Person. Perhaps you say, How am I come to Jesus now? If Jesus were still on earth. I would gladly go to Him! but now He is in glory, how can I?
Well, dear child, supposing your dear father or mother were to go away from home, you know that it is quite possible for you to be so with them in spirit, where they are, that it seems sometimes you can almost talk to them. Now, although it would be quite impossible for you to speak to them, or them to you, yet it is possible to speak to the Lord about your sins, and when you do He will hear you; although you do not see Him, He sees you, and knows all about you. So, if you have never gone to Him about your sins, go today—go tonight. He is able and willing to save; and His precious blood, God’s word says, “cleanseth from all sin.”
Are your sins washed away in the blood of the Lamb?
“Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
“These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son, of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name.” John 20:20, 31.
ML 03/12/1933