A BOY once tried to count all the wrong things he had ever done. He could not remember half of them, but he counted so many that they frightened him, and he said, “O, mother, they make a great bundle —so big that it tires me to think of them! It tires me to have them in my heart. What shall I do?” Then his mother told him Jesus said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28. But the boy said, “Maybe He does not mean me, mother.”
“Why,” said his mother, “aren’t you tired of carrying your load of wicked things? Aren’t they heavy?”
“O, yes, they are heavy,” he said.
“Then listen,” and again she repeated, “All ye that labor and are heavy laden.” Then the boy said, “But, mother, how will the Lord do this? How can He take my sins away?”
His mother replied, “My boy, that is the Lord’s part; your part is to come to Him. He said, ‘Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out’,” John 6:37.