Come, weary soul! with guilt oppressed;
Come! shelter on the Saviour’s breast;
Come! Jesus gives the weary rest;
COME! Jesus died for Thee!
None other name can save the soul;
None other name can make thee whole;
On Him, by faith, thy burden roll,
And stand divinely free!
Matt. 11:28; Acts 4:12; Rom. 3:24-26; Gal. 5:1
There’s saving power in Jesus’ name;
The Lamb the Substitute became;
The Saviour bore the sinner’s shame
Himself the glory-realms on high;
Came down, the Holy One, to die:
Far off, His blood hath made me nigh;
It speaketh peace to thee!
John 1:29; 1 Pet. 2:24; Eph. 2.; Heb. 12:24.
Well nigh two thousand years ago,
“A stranger,” Jesus walked below,
Endured suffering, pain, and woe,
The Father’s will His plea.
God’s judgment on the cross He bore;
That bitterness of death is o’er:
Raised from the tomb, He dies no more;
He pleads on high for me.
Jer. 14:8; Is. 53.; John 8:28, 29; Ps. 22.
Oh! why a single doubt retain?
He groaned, He died, He rose again!
Oh! why despise the Saviour’s pain?
His blood was shed for me.
My crimson sins He bore away;
My load of debt He deigned to pay;
The feast is spread; oh why delay?
Arias! He calleth thee!
1 Cor. 15:1-11; Luke 14:16, 17; Heb. 2:2, 3; Mark 10:49, 50.
Ah! ponder well what Christ hath done!
Behold Him! the ascended One!
His well-beloved! His only Son!
The Father gave for thee!
To God thy glad thanksgivings raise;
And witness, walking in His ways,
“He gave Himself for me!”
Eph. 3:16-19; John 3:16; Rom. 10:8-10; Gal. 2:20.