Coming to Jesus Is Coming Home

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SOME boys and girls think that there is something disagreeable in coming to Jesus. Now the boys and girls whom the Saviour invited to come to Him when He was here on earth did not think there was anything dreadful in coming to Him. On the contrary. it was quite easy and natural for them to come, and trust themselves to Him. And He is still the kind, strong Saviour now that He was then.
It is not strange for the needle to cling to the magnet. It is not dreadful for the flower to turn towards the sun. It is quite easy for a little child to trust its mother. Most boys do not find it hard and strange to come home after spending several months away. And so, to come to Jesus now, and to trust yourself to Him, should be easy and natural. If you come to Christ, you will find it is like coming home.
“Come unto Me, . . . .and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.
ML 09/10/1922