Thou art coming, Lord and Master!
Yes, at last:
Storm and shipwreck and disaster,
Wave and blast,
Seas of anger
Babel's clangor
Shall be past.
Thou art coming, blessed Savior!
Matchless love,
Measured not by our behavior,
Strong will prove,
Till Thou gather
To our Father,
Us above.
Thou art coming, Strong Deliv'rer!
Changeless Friend!
All who trust Thy love are ever
By Thy hand—
Held securely,
Shelter'd surely
To the end.
Thou art corning, Star of Morning,
For Thy Bride;
Faithful! from afar returning,
True and tried:
Who to save her,
And to have her,
Bled and died.
Thou art coming, Shepherd! Ever
Good and Great.
None from Thee Thy sheep can sever,
But 'tis late!
And all shatter'd,
Torn and scatter'd
Still we wait.
Thou art coming, Mighty JESUS!
Then shall be
Death's hold plunder'd to release us,
In the power
Of that hour—