Communings by the Wayside

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
“Jesus Himself drew near, and went with them” Luke 24:15.
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another” Acts. 3:16.
How sweet to talk of Him we love,
As on our way we go;
Desiring much in faith and love
As newborn babes to grow.
For, ever as we speak of Him,
Jesus Himself draws near,
To shed His comfort on our hearts,
And dissipate their fear.
‘Twas thus He did with those of old,
Who towards Emmaus went;
The things of Christ—The wayside theme,
On which they were intent.
He hearkened, pitied, and rebuked
The doubtful thoughts they had;
And did not leave them till He made
The wond’ring pilgrims glad.
Rejoicing that they’d seen the Lord,
And heard His voice declare,
That He who had been in the grave
Was now no longer there;
That He of whom the prophets spoke
The Lamb for sinners slain
Who lived, and bled, and died for them;
Was then alive again.
Mosaic types and words fulfilled,
And David’s psalms explained.
Which had to them, and all before,
As sayings dark remained.
O, let us now, who love the Lord
And in Him beauty see
In His blest company delight
As list’ning ones to be,
Waiting to have unfolded more
What much we want to know;
More of His Person and His work
Whilst journeying here below.