Companionship With Christ

Narrator: Ivona Gentwo
Duration: 16min
Mark 1:28‑37; Mark 3:18‑19  •  13 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Listen from:
Mark 1:27-28; Mark 3:13-19
The next thing we find in the gospel narrative, as we pursue Peter’s history, is that the Lord enters his house at a most opportune juncture. He comes out of the synagogue, where He had just been casting an unclean spirit out of a man, and forthwith (a characteristic word of Mark’s gospel) He goes to Peter’s house, and “Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick of a fever,” and they tell Him of her. It was most natural that they should tell the Lord of the sick woman, and He heals her with a word.
Now, it has often been taught that a man must remain unmarried in order to fully follow the Lord; but here we learn that Simon was a married man, and he was a man who had affections large enough to take in his wife’s mother, not only into his heart but into his house. We live in a day when mothers-in-law are often at a discount; not so here, and God has not recorded this in the pages of His Word for nothing.
I have no doubt Peter’s wife was in a tremor that day. Her mother, possibly (for we do not read of children) the dearest object, save her husband, that she had in the world, lay sick of a fever. Another gospel (Luke 4:38) says, she was “taken with a great fever.” But Jesus “stood over her, and rebuked the fever, and it left her;” and He “took her by the hand, and lifted her up,” and “she ministered unto them,” instead of being ministered to. She was a useful mother-in-law that.
Do you think it was by chance that the Lord went there that day? I believe not. If we go back a few days in Peter’s history, we remember that he had given up all to follow the Lord; and having abandoned his earthly calling so to do, it is quite possible that his wife might have felt somewhat anxious as to ways and means, and may have thought, if she did not say, “How are we now to be cared for and supported?” The Lord comes into her house — her home; takes her mother by the hand, and heals her with a word; and as the loving daughter sees the mother healed and restored, she must have felt quite assured as to the wisdom of her husband’s action in fully following the Lord. And I doubt not, before Peter left again to accompany his Master in His labors, he got a word of this sort from his wife, “You follow Him fully, Simon; I see well you are on the right track; He has the heart and the power to care for us in all things.”
This scene is so like the Lord. He ever loves to put His servants at rest at home, as well as to set them free to follow Him. It is sweet to think that He has His eye on the ofttimes solitary wife at home, with her cares and burdens, while the husband, called to labor in public, is frequently and necessarily away. Ye wives of evangelists, and other servants of the Lord, note how the Lord thinks of you!
Passing on now to the third chapter of Mark, we find the special call which Peter received of the Lord. After a night spent in prayer (see Luke 6:12), the Lord selects those who should be His companions in His pilgrim pathway here. We read, “He ordained twelve, that THEY SHOULD BE WITH HIM.” I know nothing more blessed than that!
People think it is a wonderful thing to be saved, to escape the damnation of hell — a wonderful thing to go to heaven; and so it is. But to go to heaven in Scripture, is always to be with a Person. “Absent from the body, present with the Lord” — “to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better” — is the language of Scripture.
To be with Him, to enjoy companionship with the Lord Jesus Christ, is what God calls us to; and here these men, in a very special way, were called to be with Him. Have you been called to be with Him, my reader? You are not called to be an apostle, but the eternity of a Christian is to be with Jesus. But for you, my unconverted friend, what is your eternity? To be with Jesus? Alas! you do not know him. To be in glory? You have no title to it! Your future is very different. I fear there will fall on your ears a sadly solemn word, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Perhaps you say, I do not believe God ever made hell for man. Nor do I. The Lord Jesus says it was “prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41). But some men are such fools they prefer the company of the devil and his angels to the company of Christ. See where you stand, my unconverted reader, and think of the contrast between your portion and that of the true follower of Jesus.
“He ordained twelve, that they should be with Him.” “Ah! but,” you say, “one was a traitor.” Well, do not you be a traitor! God help you, and me too, not to be traitors] Judas’s history has its lessons for all of us. It is like a beacon light put on a dangerous coast, to keep the watchful mariner off the sunken rocks — to teach our souls to be in no wise like him.
In this place, again (Mark 3:16), you get Simon’s new name emphasized, and in all the gospels it is so. His name always comes first on the list (see Matt. 10:2; Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; John 21:2); not that he had any authority over his brethren, or was made a sort of primate, as Rome would fain teach us. It was his natural fervor, and warm-hearted impulsive earnestness, that put him always in the front rank. If there be a query, Peter most usually puts it; if it be a confession of who the Lord is, Peter is the spokesman. I grant you his vary impulsiveness drew him ofttimes into danger, and ended in his denying his Lord at a later date; but still Peter’s is a wonderful history of devotion to the Lord, and where he failed, the Lord, in infinite wisdom and faithfulness, tells us about it, and puts him too before us as another beacon light, lest our small barks should also be stranded on the selfsame rocks that damaged his.
Nothing but devotion of heart to Christ personally will do for us. A mere creed is of no value whatever. Unless there be affection of heart that puts us near Himself, and, if we have got away, leads us back to Him as quickly as possible, our confession of Him is valueless to us, and nauseous to Him. Peter learned a blessed lesson at this point of his history, namely, The Lord wants me to be with Him — He wants my company. Have you learned yet, dear reader, that the Lord loves your companionship, and desires to have your affections?
But besides the thought of companionship, there was another purpose in the Lord’s mind as He drew the twelve around Him. Luke’s record of the event runs thus: “And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named Apostles; Simon (whom he also named Peter)” (Luke 6:12-14). Turning to Mark we read, “And He ordained twelve, that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils. And Simon He surnamed Peter” (Mark 3:14-16).
This is intensely interesting. Notice the prelude to the selection. He, who was Lord of all, and knew all, “continued all night in prayer to God” before He selects His companions, and ordains His apostles. What a lesson to us all of dependence on God. This is only recorded by Luke, who gives us the pathway of the perfectly dependent man. We are not surprised, therefore, though deeply instructed thereby, to find the Lord bowed in prayer seven times in that gospel (Luke 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18-29; 11:1; 22:41). Each occasion has its own peculiar lesson for our hearts.
Here then we get Simon’s new name (Peter) confirmed, his apostolic call declared, and at the same time we receive instruction as to the meaning of the term “apostle.” Jesus so named the twelve, Luke tells us; and Mark adds the explanation, “that he might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils.” How comprehensive is apostolic work — to preach God, to heal man, and to defeat the devil. No wonder Satan did his best to trip up the most prominent of the band, and gladly entered into the meanest, who at best was but a “thief” and a “devil,” in order by the one to dishonor, and by the other to get rid of, their blessed lowly Master!
The reader is referred to Matthew 10 and Luke 9 for the actual moment when the Lord conferred on Peter, and the twelve, the power here spoken of, and sent thorn on their joyful mission; from which we may also see them returning in Mark 6:30, and reporting to their Master “both what they had done, and what they had taught.” How He appreciated, and entered into the toil, connected with their service, is seen in what follows, as He says, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile.” Blessed Master! How well does He know how to equip, and send out His servants, and how to care for and refresh them, when they came back, whether returning elated with success, as in this instance, or depressed by difficulties, as has often been the ease with His less highly gifted, but not less deeply loved servants of later days.
Now let us go on Luke 8 for a moment. There is a remarkable scene here, and again Peter comes to the front (Luke 8:41-56). How beautifully the Lord responds to every call and every need! If you have any difficulty about the affection of Christ, about how He would respond to your call, and your need, these lovely gospel narratives ought to settle your difficulty. Look at this man Jairus, who had a dying daughter! He comes to Jesus about her. The Lord responds at once. Then the people throng Him, and press Him, and a woman who had spent all her living on physicians, and had only got worse instead of better, comes and touches His garment. Just like today. People spend their lives going about to all sorts of spiritual doctors, instead of simply coming to Christ, and of course get no better, for religion cannot save them. Religion can damn you very easily, if you are content with religiousness, without having ever come to a personal Saviour to be saved. This woman heard of Jesus, and she came to Him; and when she came, she touched; and when she had touched, she felt; and then she came forth and confessed Christ! She got all she wanted. She was healed immediately she touched the Saviour. So would you be, if you were to do as she did. Jesus then said “Who touched me?” And the Lord, looking down from glory, now says, Who is touching Me And will you not touch Him, dear friend, and get life from Him?
And now, poor dear blundering Peter puts in a word about the multitude, and says, “Master, the multitude throng thee, and press thee, and gavest thou, Who touched me?” In all this throng, Lord, how can You ask who it is that has touched You? But Jesus said, “Somebody hath touched me; for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.” That is always the way; if you only get near enough to touch the hem of His garment, virtue will go out from Him, and you will be healed, you will get all you need. The Lord will never shake you off; He will encourage you to come forth and confess Him. Only try Him — just come to Him, and touch Him. The virtue that comes out of Him always heals the soul that just simply touches Him in faith.
The woman comes out and confesses what she had done, and why she did it, and what the effect of it was. She had faith in His goodness, faith in His heart, faith in His person; and see what the Lord says, “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith had made thee whole; go in peace.” Peter learned a good lesson that day, that a throng might press his Lord and yet nobody really touch Him, whereas the faintest touch of faith secured the fullest blessing.
Next, in Jaime’s house Peter gets another lesson, as be stands by and sees the Lord annul the power of death. He had seen Him heal his mother-in-law, he had seen how faith must be in exercise if blessing is to come, and now he learns that He is the
One who quells the power of death, that death cannot be in His presence. Jesus has power over death. He only met it to annul it, for He was the Lord of life. The thieves who were crucified with Him could not die till He had died; and when He died, He annulled the power of death, broke its bands, demolished the bars of the tomb, and came up out of it. Hence it is to a victorious triumphant Christ I call on you to come now, One who is alive for evermore. I have to do with a victorious Saviour, One who went into death that He might annul it, and did so by dying. He took my sins on Him as He went into it, and put them all away.
Peter was learning blessed lessons of the moral power and glory of his Master, as in Jairus’ house he first saw how He dealt with infidel scorners, namely, “put them all out,” and then heard Him say, “Maid, arise!” and bid her be fed.
This scene is a striking foreshadowing of what will yet be. A day is rapidly nearing when He who overcame death in the house of Jairus, will deal with it finally and forever. “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” This we see effected in Revelation 21:1-8. Happy will they be who are then the witnesses of the Saviour’s final triumph. No scorner shall see it. All such are judged and “put out” in Revelation 20 by the judgment of the great white throne. Peter will witness the Lord’s final victory over death; so too, through infinite grace, shall I. Will you, my reader, be a delighted witness, or a judged scorner in that day