“He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth” (Psa. 92:8).
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth” (Matt. 28:18).
We have now passed under review the Scripture teaching concerning family relationships, and the relative position of each member of the believer's household; and we have seen how that God has been pleased in His grace to appoint to each their place, and to enjoin the conduct befitting to each, according to His will. His own authority is supreme; and each severally owning it, the household would present a picture of divine rule. His glory would thereby be promoted, and the peace and blessing of the household be secured. In the millennium, the whole world will be brought under the sway of Christ. “In His days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth ... .He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth ... .Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him: all nations shall serve Him” (Psa. 72:7-11). But it is the privilege of the believer to anticipate this time, as far as his own house is concerned, exalting in his household the authority of Christ, and owning Him as Lord. If this were more faithfully done, this scene through which we are passing, already under judgment because it has rejected Christ, would be interspersed here and there with bright testimonies to the authority and lordship of Christ. Like some vast arid wilderness, which is relieved here and there by scattered oases—green spots of refreshing verdure, rendered all the brighter by their contrast with the desolation around, so this scene of darkness and confusion would be relieved by the spots of light and ordered rule presented by the homes of the saints. It is not enough therefore to testify, during the little while we are waiting for the return of our Lord, to the grace of God; we should also bear witness to the authority of a rejected, but now glorified and absent Christ. It should be a solemn question with each one occupying the position of head of a household, how far this is being done. The days are becoming darker, and the moment of the apostacy draws on apace: everything betokens that very soon the Lord will arise from His seat, at the right hand of God, to return to fetch His own. It is high time therefore that we should awake to the importance of a brighter testimony during the little moment that remains.
May the Lord give us grace to be more faithful in self-judgment, and enable us each one to begin with ourselves and our households, so that, bringing everything under the application of the crass, the Lord Himself may be thus more fully owned and glorified in the face of a hostile world.